What are the benefits of children riding bicycles?

What are the benefits of children riding bicycles?

First, the correct riding posture can be done

1) Correct bowlegged, X-shaped leg congenital deficiency, play a role in promoting the growth and development of children.

2) Enhance coordination and balance By cycling on various surfaces, the balance and coordination of the left and right sides of the brain can be strengthened.

Second, riding bikes is good for children’s growth

Exercise is a child’s nature, and riding a bicycle can promote the full development of children’s movement, balance ability, the earlier to ride a bicycle, right

The more athletic the child develops.

Third, riding a bicycle can cultivate children’s courage

Apart from simple ‘skills’, cycling helps children develop courage and confidence, as well as the ability to communicate and work together.

Four, riding a bike has fitness effect

Cycling can improve the cardiopulmonary function, exercise the muscle strength of lower limbs and enhance the whole body endurance. The effect of endurance exercise on internal organs is the same as swimming and running.

Five, riding a bicycle can improve the baby’s responsiveness

The results of modern sports medicine research show that cycling is dominated by different sides, and the alternating pedaling of two legs can develop the left and right brain functions simultaneously.

Riding a bike is good for a happy mood

The more time you spend outside riding your bike, the more open your mind will be and your baby will feel relaxed and active.

7. Cycling is an effective way of parent-child communication

Taking your baby out for a bike ride can strengthen the communication between parents and children.Choose a street park or suburban path and ride with your baby in a relaxed environment, which will make your baby trust you more and become a good friend to each other.微信图片_2021053111182042 微信图片_2021053111182043 微信图片_2021053111182044

Post time: Aug-20-2021