What is the difference between mountain bike and road bike?

Highway drivers need long-term stable power output, but due to our diverse roads and mountain bike race and constantly changing, so the mountain bikers often over a period of sustained high power output, and often accompanied by a stop before, during, and after this period of strong output trample, or trample to slow down gently, or through the obstacles.

So a driver’s ability to repeat power output over and over again in mountain bike racing is very important. Aerobic capacity is also important here, but if you have both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, you’ll have a definite advantage.

If you just want to improve your anaerobic tolerance, there’s an old, tried-and-true method. Sprint for one minute at high intensity (357 watts), then return to your normal pace and ride for one minute. Do this three times, and after another minute of sprinting, pedal for five minutes at a normal pace. Do this in two sets.

If you want to take it to the next level this season, some sprint training for mountain bike racing is your secret weapon. Power Tap Power meter was used to collect 10 minutes road and mountain climbing data of the same riders. The highway data is in the 2%-4% of the uphill slope, and the mountain data is the same slope, but it is mountain road. The effort was similar on both legs, and the average heart rate was 159.

But the main difference in power required by mountain bike racing and road car racing is in peak output. This brief spike can build up into a huge physical demand. Once or twice might not be a problem at all, but 88 times in two hours, like in a race, can wear you out.

If you reach the limit of your body during a race, you have to slow down. However, if you improve your body’s tolerance to anaerobic exercise through training, you will be much, much faster in a race.


Post time: Oct-11-2021